However, while the chimneypiece dated to ca. 1812, it was found that the existing stone surrounding the fireplace dated to ca. 1797. Specifically the fact that the whitewash stopped at the stone surround indicated that the surround was installed before the bricks were whitewashed. Additionally, two different generations of wrought iron cramps secured the stone. The two generations of clamps indicated that the stones had been reset and that the existing fireplace was slightly taller then the ca. 1797 fireplace. To determine when the stones were reset, the cramps needed to be dated. The first generation of cramps obviously dated to when the stone surround was installed in ca. 1797, but to date the second generation of cramps, the Restoration Team had to look at the existing chimneypiece. Because the existing fireplace opening matched the size of the ca. 1812 chimneypiece it meant that the second generation of cramps had to date to ca. 1812.
©The Montpelier Foundation
Cramps found securing the stone surround to the Large Bedroom's fireplace. |