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The first step in reconstructing the door’s trim was to consult the ca. 1812 Dinsmore and Neilson carpentry bill.  Because the bill names each type of trim installed in the Mansion, it was often possible to determine what type of trim was installed on the missing doorways.  For the missing doorway in the Wing Passage, the bill recorded that it was trimmed with “mouldings”.  These moldings were clearly different from the "architrave" moldings listed as the trim for the other doorways in the passage.  To discover what the moldings looked like the Restoration Team found other doorways recorded in the bill as being trimmed with moldings and it was discovered that "moulding" referred to the ca. 1812 backband used as door trim.  Later, when the floors in the Wing Passage were being cleaned, it was discovered that a profile of the missing doorway's ca. 1812 trim was captured on the Madison-era flooring, confirming that the door had been trimmed with the ca. 1812 backband.


An impression of the missing doorway's trim discovered on surviving ca. 1812 flooring in the Passage.